Anti-Fraud by Design


We Innovate Fraud-Free Experience

Many organizations today – from startups to governments – understand the importance of innovating fraud-free user experience for their success. We utilize a human-centered, collaborative, interdisciplinary, and iterative approach which uses research, prototyping, and a set of easily understood activities and visualization tools to create and orchestrate fraud-free experiences.

What We Do


We Research

We provide cutting-edge quantitative and qualitative studies to deal with fraud and corruption.

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We Design

We translate scientific research into design to create a system that cannot be manipulated.

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We Investigate

We investigate fraud and corruption cases and deliver an independent and sound report.

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How We Work


Step 1. Understanding

We focus on solving the right problem by investigating the needs of the user (customer or citizen). Understanding needs, instead of jumping straight to a “solution,” makes true innovation possible.


Step 2. Research

We use research to grasp the ecosystem in which a certain fraud or corruption is embedded, including other players, places, artifacts, processes, platforms, and stakeholders, and to see how they are connected. We strive to find out, on the one hand, how users experience a specific fraud or corruption (customer experience), on the other hand, the experiences and behavior of different employees (employee experience) as well as other involved stakeholders.


Step 3. Ideation

The process of generating ideas is a valuable way to explore fraud and corruption cognitively. We use divergent techniques, aiming for quantity, not quality – at least at first. Aiming for quantity will help  move beyond the obvious to more interesting, radical anti-fraud ideas. So, we don't set out to find one killer anti-fraud idea as a starting point. Instead, anti-fraud ideas are generated en masse at various stages in the process, mixed, recombined, culled, distilled, and evolved or parked.


Step 4. Prototyping

Next, we use prototyping to explore, evaluate, and communicate how people might behave in or experience a future anti-fraud situation. We develop prototypes to test possible solutions quickly and cheaply while generating new insights and ideas.

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co-founder, Product Manager

Ziya V. Aliyev, PhD, CFE

An anti-fraud professional with an extensive experience and in depth knowledge on fraud prevention and detection.

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